Friday, December 2, 2011

Film Critics.... WTF!!!

Why do only "professional' Critics opinions count??

I'm going to go completely political here with this. I am a little bit annoyed and that will probably show as you read further into what I'm doing. I am really miffed that the only opinions that seem to count in the eyes of these film makers, actors, producers, etc are the opinions of 'professional' critics. How is the opinion of someone who's not even familiar with your work, your vision, your characters or your story even RELEVANT?? WHY do you care that Joe-schmoe thinks this or that about your film when millions ... yes MILLIONS of fans are standing around screaming praises all over the world? WHO GIVES A FUCK about 'joe-schmoe's' snarky critique? Joe-Schmoe has not read the books, Joe-Schmoe does NOT know the story, Joe-Schmoe has no idea about the storylines beneath the obvious. Joe-Schmoe simply is a shock-journalist with a big-ass mouth.
Sure, it's nice to see a good review in the paper. I bet it strokes the ego quite nicely and while I know that some people NEED to hear a professional critique before they will consider spending money to see a film, others will take the opinion of a fan much more seriously than some big-mouth journalist with no idea what the hell he or she is even talking about.

The fan's opinions ALWAYS outweigh the 'film critics' opinions twenty-fold

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