Sunday, August 5, 2012


I've spoken a lot over the past couple of years about this topic and decided to write about it. I'm tired of excuses and nonsense. Professionalism and tact are two key ingredients to being a good employee. A good employee should, first and foremost, give a damn about the company or employer whom they represent. The employee is often that company's first impression and therefore makes a lasting impression on those who come into contact with or who are using the service that employee is providing for said company.
Let me ask you two things.

Should employees sit behind the scenes or in plain sight and speak badly with intent to misrepresent you and your establishment? 

Should employees talk down to those who have come to respect and admire you and your establishment with the intent to turn them away? 

The answer to both of those questions are obvious. No.

Employees like that are detrimental  to your up and coming establishment. Promises of updates and exciting things have been made and no acts, what-so-ever, have been made towards fulfilling those promises. It's obvious, and not to just myself, but to a whole LOT of others that this 'employee' is full of empty promises and has his/her mind elsewhere with other people and what she feels are more important projects. Not cool.

It's time for a change, my friend.

A lil Smashbook Fun!
Did this crammed 2 page spread featuring pics and 'stuff' I collected when I went to see the premiere of "Loosies" - Peter Facinelli's  indi film. It was awesome fun!