Tuesday, October 8, 2013

You Have the Power to Choose!

I am and always will be the optimist, the hoper of far-flung hopes, and the dreamer of improbable dreams.~ The Doctor (Doctor Who)

That statement sums me up to a tee. I am positive, optimistic and I am pure energy. We all have choices to make.
Even the most difficult of choices, if you embrace them with confidence and a positive energy, will be the right choice for you. Sometimes we do make poor choices but I feel that is not always an error but rather a situation to make us think and perhaps learn a different way of doing something.
I grew up in the most amazing of circles. I had at my beck and call..... Musicians, Songwriters, Gurus, Healers, Life Coaches, Teachers, Humanitarians, Nutritionists, Care Givers, Nurses, Spiritual Leaders and much much much more... I never once took them for granted. I was fascinated by each of them, listened to them, learned from them and absorbed their teachings and love like a sponge. That decade was the decade where I transformed from a meek, shy, immature kid to the confident, optimistic bundle of energy that I am today. I attribute my attitude to their teachings, their guidance and their love.

Everything we face comes with making choices. Do you see how powerful that is? We have choices. We get to think, feel and decide what we want to do. To me that is one heck of a liberating feeling.

What am I getting at? Here it is. MAKE a conscious choice to be a positive force. Yes, times are hard, yes things suck sometimes but we can turn that around a heck of a lot faster with just a few little tweaks in our attitude and behavior. CHOOSE to take three deep, cleansing breaths. CHOOSE to face things head on. CHOOSE to smile rather than frown and CHOOSE to change that negative energy into something positive. It's your CHOICE!

I CHOOSE to WIN! #IWillBeatOvarianCancer !!

Monday, October 7, 2013

You Can Make All the Difference

Did you know that a single word can change the course of someone's day? YOU can choose whether that word will be kind or a weapon. We all make choices. Every day, 100s and sometimes even thousands of choices. We are in control of what we do. We are not controlled by circumstance. I have been observing some behaviour lately and it's made me think quite a lot. There is a man who owns a local shop. He is a VERY cranky and disrespectful individual. Each time I have visited his establishment he is screaming at his staff and using words that really should be kept behind closed doors and NOT for customers ears. I recently spoke with one of his employees and asked her why he is always freaking out and putting down his employees. He calls them, "stupid ignorant good for nothing deadbeat losers".  She shook her head and told me  "Oh, he's like that because he had a rough childhood"
My jaw pretty much dropped. I was flabbergasted. I looked at her for what felt like 10 minutes but was probably all of 10 seconds. I just sort of nodded and said, "Really?  So you are giving someone permission to treat you with disrespect because he had a rough childhood?"
She nodded and didn't really say much else. I am sure she stifled it due to fear of his repercussion. I finished my business there and left. I sat in my car for a few minutes reflecting on what I had just experienced.



holy shit.
So just because you had a rough childhood gives YOU permission to treat everyone around you like dog shit?
It most definitely DOES NOT.

It's time to grow UP, Mr. Shop Owner. 
Be a respectful member of the community. 

People are loyal to YOUR establishment and we definitely do not want to be assaulted by your vulgar words and disrespectful actions towards your employees and customers.
Next time, instead of screaming profanities at your employees and calling them worthless, why don't you think about how YOUR business would run if they QUIT. They SHOULD quit! You do not deserve their loyalty. Quite frankly I am disgusted by you and from now on, I will be traveling the 19 miles to another establishment that offers the same services as yours. I have given you more than enough chances. At first I simply thought that you may just be having a hellacious day. But you have been running your foul mouth and attitude every single time that I enter your shop and I am finished. 

Yes. I left this letter in his mailbox. (Everything from the Bold type and below) He deserves to see what his customers are seeing. He's a foul, disgusting, bitter, nasty, ungrateful man. I hope this opens his eyes. I cannot see how his business will thrive if this continues to happen. 

He needs to make the CHOICE to seek help for his anger issues.
He needs to make the CHOICE to be mindful of his words and actions.
He needs to make the CHOICE to respect his employees and customers.
He needs to make the CHOICE to change before he ruins his business.
CHOICES. WE are in charge of our choices!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

When you're on a roll...

When you are on a roll, don't take it for granted. ALL good things come to an end.