Thursday, April 21, 2011

What One Man Can Do

What one man can do....

It's because of you that some of the most creative, amazing & strong individuals have come together to forge friendships that span the course of the globe. You stand on stage at a Creation convention and see rows of seats, most of which are filled with individuals with their best friends seated at their side. The Alex's Lemonade mall meet and greets you do with Stephen Gerard, again, you stand up on stage and see, literally, 1000s of ppl standing, cheering, waiting to see YOU.. with their best friend at their side. So many of these friends met because of your work. Is it even fathomable that you realize the difference you have made in so many lives?
I dunno if you know or not or if it's even possible for you to see it but it's real and I am living proof of it as are so many others who have found their best friends on EARTH solely because of you.
Thank you for that.

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